Thursday, March 29, 2007

Presentation Milton

Hi guys, (and girls), i just wanna say that i liked the blog a lot and i will post poetry and very other nice things ok? thanks bye

Friday, March 23, 2007

Short Story :3

I hope you like Poe, Edgar Alan Poe, master of terror.

Tell Tell Heart

Enjoy ^^


Wednesday, March 21, 2007

A Home of a Wolf

Home is the place of our ancestors. It’s commonly referred to as something cozy, friendly, and where your heart resides. However, for some, home may just be another method to avoid the outside world.

This is the story of a little wolf… “Jeremy”, as the natural park’s ranger used to call him. Still a cub, he was the skittish in the pack. While his other brothers and sisters adventured the outside world beyond the cave where his parents choose to reside, he decided to live an “eremite-like” kind of life. He only went outside mainly to drink water when he was thirsty, or to eat the very few remainings of meat the other wolves left behind after ravishing their prey.
Either raining, snowing, or even on a sunny day, the little cub was rare to be seen outside most of the time.

One day, while the other cubs went for their very first hunt with the pack, something fell right next to the place where “Jeremy” used to sit. He used to call it his “thinking spot”, as he could see all the forest area from above and it relaxed him. He usually picked a subject, pondered over it for a while (sometimes distracted by the sound of running water of the waterfall nearby or the movement and shape of the clouds…) and eventually slept over it, literally...

However, that afternoon, while he was heading to his “thinking spot”, he noticed someone or something had beaten him to it. He approached the fated place without making any suspicious noise and considering each step carefully in order to hide his presence at all costs (something he learned from watching his parents and family from above, bored as hell…).

As he was just two feet near the “intruder”, he noticed his small size and shape. It was fragile, weak and even hungry-looking… it was a bird, a very small one by that matter. “He must have fallen from one of those damn bird nests from above” - he though - “might as well help the poor guy out…”
As he thought that, he picked the little bird from his mouth and looked for something slightly eatable to feed him. “Ha! That might do it!” he thought as he took on sight something that resembled a dead mouse…

He put it next to it, but his reaction was no near what he expected. He was screaming with frightness of his apparent “meal”. “Oh God, what should I do now? Wonder if he’s vegetarian of some sort…” Then he realized; the bird’s parents should now a lot better than him what that puny thing’s meal should be.

He picked it up again, went outside the cave and started to climb the harsh mountain path all the way up (he knew a bit of it, as he memorized a few of its sites by observing it from his “thinking spot” from below, with boredom.
He was scared, no doubt, but then he thought, “What could this little fellow be experiencing? Here I am complaining about how far I am from my lair and this poor soul doesn’t even know where his is?”

With his heart filled with a burst of heat driven by the chance to be someone better, to help someone, and attain a purpose… he adventured through the unknown mountain trail while carrying the little bird on his mouth as if it was his prized possession. He then realized how selfish he was… he was so attached to the comfort of his cave he’d forgot to what a wolf was meant to be: Brave and respectful.

Finally, he knew it was his time to be it; to leave home and become one of them.
And with that, he disappeared behind a pack of leaves, heading to the top…



What can I say to describe Home?

For me my home is located in the past, when I was a child, happy and energetic…

I was born in Cape Vert, on Santiago Isle, and for me the whole island was my house, my home.

I remember that I would love to travel around it, when I would go visit relatives or when it would just be walks with my granddad. It would be a really wonderful feeling and the sun would always go with us.

The favourite place for me would be the beach, where I would often go with my granddad. For those who grow up in an island, watching the sea is certainly a normal and common thing, but for me it would always be special and different, each time I would go there. Every single time I would be introduced to a new thing, a new element.

For me the sea would be magic… I can still remember it: the sun warming my face, the wind dancing around me, bringing the smell that I can still remember, of pure sea water; seagulls flying around, and palm trees singing along with the wind… everything would be magic when I was there, but only when a special person would be with me.

Home is wherever you feel loved, and you love in return, but there is always a place that remains in your heart, no matter how much time has passed, and that’s why my heart is in the past.

Years have passed but I can still remember some of the stories I’d been told at night, or the night sky full of bright stars, or a strong hand being gentle with me and guiding me to a safe sleep.

I can still remember riding an old bike around a so known village, laughing and wishing for it to never end.

Every time I talk about home, I remember my country, Cape Vert, I remember the sea, I remember the clear blue sky the day brings or the starry night sky; I remember happy faces, I remember laughs, I remember sad goodbyes, I remember tears, I remember what I was like and what I’ve become. I remember it all because there is a special person in each and every episode of my childhood: my granddad.

Home is wherever your family is, but your heart has to be there as well, and mine is in Cape Vert.


The sea

For some people it has absolutely no meaning, but for me, it's everything.

I’ve grew up looking at it, admiring its beauty, its peace.

It may seem cold, but it’s warm for me.

It may seem dangerous, but it’s safe for me.

It may seem angry sometimes, but always reminds me peaceful moments.

It may seem full of nothing, but for me it has all the love that one heart can hold within.

It is my home, my family, it’s even me.

In it you can find all my memories and my heart as well.

If you ask me where my home is, I’ll tell you:

Look for it in the sea.


Short Story


I'm posting here the link for the short story that I've chose: Death by Scrabble.

It's a very interesting story... that if you like irony and just a little bit of morbid humour...


Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Pirate's of the Caribbean 3 - at World's End

Trailer for the new movie in May. Enjoy.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


There was once a boy, who had an ordinary life, a home, family, food on the table, the sorts.

He’d often talk bad about his country, saying that he wanted to live abroad.

Then he grew older, wiser and his thoughts changed.

He still had a nice home and all that jazz, but something was missing, he had to apologize to his country...

So, one summer he set of on his way, avoiding big cities and visiting villages.

While meeting new people, he got to know the old folk, the last link to this country.

Shared old and new stories, learn the trades of the old and new days.

What is home? A cubicle with walls and a roof?

No, people are used to narrow home to this, but home is people, love, emotions, and yes, it can have walls and roof.

But my home is in my country. I was born in Viseu, lived in Azores and now I’m living in Montijo, so far I had 7 homes.

Should I stop caring now? No, I still live in my home, the same home I was born in.

It could be worse than before, but I still love it and, some day, I will hitchhike on my country.

Care to join? And find the meaning of home together?

André Pereira 19627
